Official tools for entrepreneurs

Wizards and simulators for personalized answers to your questions about setting up and running your business.

Some reference simulators


Calculate the total cost of hiring and explore different compensation options: management, internships, apprenticeships, overtime, and much more!

Launch simulator

Choice of statusBêta

SAS, EURL, EI, auto-entrepreneur... This simulator will help you choose the legal status best suited to your business project.

Launch wizard


Calculate your net income after contributions and taxes, taking into account all options, including ACRE and prélèvement libératoire.

Launch simulator

Find your company

To access our simulators most relevant to your business

The Siret number is a 14-digit number unique to each company. Example: 40123778000127

Who are we?

We're a small, independent, multi-disciplinary team within Urssaf. We are committed to being close to your needs, in order to constantly improve this site in line with the approach.

We have developed this site to support entrepreneurs in the development of their business.

Our aim is to remove any uncertainties with regard to the administration, so that you can concentrate on what matters: your business.